National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
State Institution "The National Research Center for Radiation Medicine"

ISSN 2313-4607 (Online)
ISSN 2304-8336 (Print)

Problems of Radiation Medicine and Radiobiology



Impact of gadolinium-157 containing nanoscale magnetosensitive composites on morfofunctional properties of cells in vitro

H. Y. Lavrenchuk1, Y. B. Shevchenko2, A. L. Petranovska13, V. S. Asmolkova4,

V. M. Oksamytnyi1,
I. V. Kozlovska1, O. H. Yavorska1
1State Institution “National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of MedicalSciences of Ukraine”, Melnykov str., 53, Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine
2Institute of Nuclear Research of Ukraine NAS of Ukraine, Prospect Nauki, 47, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine
3Instytute of Surface Chemistry. AA Chuiko NAS of Ukraine, str. General Naumov, 17, Kyiv, 03164,Ukraine
4Palladin Institute of Biochemistry NAS of Ukraine, str. Leontovycha, 9, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine

Objective – to investigate the morphofunctional cells properties under the action of magneticallybased nanocomposites containing gadolinium-157.
Materials and methods. Experimental studies are performed in cell culture line L929 Nanocomposites based on magnetite modified by functional amino groups chemically fixed by diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) and gadolinium – (Fe3O4/γ-APS/DTPA-Gd) were studied (1), also by meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) – (Fe3O4/DMSA-Gd), which binds to the hydroxyl group of magnetite surface (2); gadolinium was adsorbed from a solution of gadolinium sulfate. Reagent 3 – magnetic substance Fe3O4 with sodium oleate. Morphofunctional characteristics of cell culture were evaluated in various terms by standard indicators of sustainability: proliferative and mitotic activity and the number of giant multinuclear cells, apoptosis.
Results and conclusions. We established that magnetdriven nanocomposites with gadolinium modified by DTPA and DMSA, were more biocompatibile to cells: incubation of cells with neutron capture agents (NCA) in the studied range of concentrations showed no toxicity, except maximum concentration, while decreasing cells adhesive properties. For all nanocomposites we observed decrease in mitotic activity in the background of the control cell population density, which may indicate synchronization of cell division. We found that the stabilized by sodium oleate ferrite caused destructive changes in cell culture only at concentrations of 500 μg / ml, but reduced mitotic activity in cell culture in 3-5 times in the whole range of concentrations. It is shown that magnetdriven nanocomposites induce different levels of apoptosis in cultured cells depending on the concentration of the reactants.

Key words: neutron capture therapy, magnetdriven nanocomposites, proliferation, apoptosis.

Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. 2014;19:419-430.

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